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About dark skin in a white america

My Qwerty project is called Dark Skin In A White America. My website talks about how people with dark skin complexions are percieved and ways to change that. Being a dark skin, black girl is one of the reasons why I'm so passionate about this project. I can relate to others and raise awareness of this issue. I feel that many people have a dislike towards dark skin. Nobody should ever judge or base off of skin color. Looking through my website, viewers will feel the raw emotions I felt while doing this project through my words and display.



I didn't start off wanting to create a website. I actually was going to do a video about my everyday life. That changed suddenly because I decided I wanted to do something that represented my culture. The switch wasn't a easy transition to make. Brainstorming and jotting down ideas definitely helped me. For my website I did hours of research, editing, and design. To help me get through that I used audio tools such as Twisted Wave and design tools such as intro makers and gifs. Overall, the process was hard but interesting work that I enjoyed creating.

The time you felt the most powerful

One of the instances Milan and I felt powerful together was during one of the first DMP workshops when we learned about sitcoms and writing screenplays for them. Both of us enjoy watching them but had no idea how to attempt to write one. Though inexperienced we still worked through it and even had a couple laughs while writing it. The fact that we were both motivating each other thoughout the project made it easier for us to conquer the new task. The end result was a great sitcom with wonderful and hearty jokes and laughs included in it.

by Maya gustave

Dark Skin In A White America

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