Willnelly and Elena
About W i l l n e l y
Nellie is 18 years old, and is currently a senior. This is her first year being apart of the Girls Write Now program. She has joined this program to find her passion with writing again, and improve her writing skills. She believes that being surrounded with others who have a passion with writing will help her rediscover her interests. Most of the poets she is interested in focus on a specific topic - women. She lives in the Bronx, and wants to explore the city more. She's interested in multiple personalities, loves learning about others interests, and believes that being open minded is the way to viewing the world in a different way.
About e l e n a
Ellie Kaufman is a journalist and writer based in New York City. She currently works at CNN on the New York bureau as a news assistant. She previously worked at Mic and The Huffington Post. Her work has been published in Fast Company, Quartz, and the New York Times' Women in the World blog.